Building the Future of Health

Sophia de Rooij
University Medical Center Groningen

The pace of ageing. Golden age, golden years.

Professor Sophia E.J.A. de Rooij is a professor in Internal Medicine, specialized in Geriatric Medicine. She was registered as geriatrician (2000) and as internist (2002). In 2002 she set up a research group focusing on acute hospitalization in older people in the Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Currently, dr de Rooij is head of the University Centre for Geriatric Medicine at the University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Since 2001 she obtained many grants for innovative health care projects concerning improving the cure and care of acutely admitted elderly hospital patients. Since that time her research group has widely expanded and conducted research on pathophysiology of delirium, polipharmacy, clinimetrics, disability, and falls. In the past years, her focus has expanded to hospital outcomes, integrated care and health services research including innovative care strategies, starting off with several prospective cohort studies in Intensive care patients, in hip fracture patients and internal medicine patients leading to more insight in the consequences of acute hospitalization on daily functioning and quality of life and factors affecting the onset of disability in these populations. She had granted several large scale multicentre studies and she is principal investigator on all of these trials. These studies concern amongst others placebo-controlled trial on the effect of melatonin on the onset of delirium in hip fracture patients, a trial on transitional care for hospitalized older patients discharged home, a trial on care coordination in primary care and a trial on hospital at home for patients with dementia and delirium. She is (co-) author of >190 peer-reviewed publications and has supervised >20 PhD theses. Furthermore, she developed a serious health game in delirium, entitled Delirium Experience and is involved in a number of other e-health initiatives, the Vitality Navigator and Little Red Cape. Since 2013 she is also president of the Dutch Society of Internal Medicine.

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