Building the Future of Health

Jonas Papenborg
karres+brands landschapsarchitecten

WUR Session: Serious Landscaping

In 2014, Jonas Papenborg and Remco van der Togt won the Dutch Archiprix with their thesis ‘The Ems Full Hybrid’. Both are working at successful landscape architecture offices, but have continued to work together on numerous research and design challenges ever since their completion of the study Landscape Architecture at Wageningen. With thorough research and surprising design choices they try to connect contradictory themes and break through traditional separations. Especially the interweaving of nature and industry is an important focus in their work. This especially comes through in the ‘Ems Full Hybrid’, where they use the power of massive cruise liners and expendable North Sea oil rigs to tackle the ecological disaster in the Ems estuary. Thismixing of ecology and economy also comes through in their most recent study, ‘Production landscape Moerdijk’, in which they have devised a new system where industry, nature and agricultural production are mixed, providing benefits for all threeand generating new landscapes. Jonas and Remco have also worked on ‘Landschapsplan Nederland’ a research of the landscape architectural heritage of Staatsbosbeheer, and in cooperation of Alterra Wageningen created a vision of the Zeelandic coastal village Renesse for the year 2050.

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